
# Licking a Joint: The Right Way to Do It?

When it comes to enjoying a joint, a common practice is to lick the outside of the rolling paper to seal it shut. This technique is used to hold the joint together and ensure a smooth smoking experience. However, there may be questions about the proper way to lick a joint or whether there are alternative methods for sealing it. In this article, we will explore the topic of licking joints and provide insights into the best approach for achieving a well-rolled, tightly sealed joint.

## The Purpose of Licking a Joint

Licking the joint serves a dual purpose – it acts as an adhesive to hold the rolling paper together and helps create a tight seal. The moisture from saliva activates the gum line on the rolling paper, making it sticky and allowing it to bond with the other side of the paper. This ensures that the joint remains intact while being smoked.

## The Correct Technique for Licking a Joint

While licking a joint may seem simple, there are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure the best results. Follow these steps for the most effective technique:

### 1. Choose Quality Rolling Papers

Before rolling a joint, it’s essential to start with high-quality rolling papers. Opt for papers that are specifically designed for rolling joints, as they have a gum line that is easier to activate and seal.

### 2. Prepare the Joint

Once the joint is filled with desired herbs, gently pack the contents to create an even and uniform distribution. It’s important to avoid overpacking, as this can make it challenging to seal the joint correctly.

### 3. Moisten the Gum Line

Hold the joint between your thumb and index finger, ensuring that the gum line is facing upward. Use the tip of your tongue to moisten the gum line evenly, starting from one end and moving towards the other. Be careful not to use too much saliva, as excessive moisture can cause the paper to become too soggy.

### 4. Seal the Joint

Once the gum line is moistened, press the gummed edge of the rolling paper against the dry side of the paper, gently applying even pressure. Starting at one end, roll the joint until the gummed edge is securely stuck to the dry side, creating a tight seal. Smooth out any wrinkles or creases with your fingers to ensure a neat appearance.

### 5. Allow it to Dry

After sealing the joint, it’s essential to allow it to dry for a few minutes before lighting it. This allows the gum line to set and ensures a better burn. Avoid touching the wet gum line during this time to prevent accidentally reopening the seal.

## Alternatives to Licking a Joint

Licking a joint is the most common method for sealing it, but some individuals may have personal preferences or reasons to seek alternatives. Here are a few alternative techniques to consider:

### 1. Damp Cloth or Sponge

Instead of using saliva, use a damp cloth or sponge to moisten the gum line of the rolling paper. This method can be hygienic and eliminates the taste of saliva in the joint.

### 2. Glue Stick or Adhesive

For those who prefer not to use any moisture at all, a glue stick or other adhesive can be used to seal the joint. Be cautious when using adhesives, as some may contain chemicals that can be harmful when inhaled.

### 3. Honey or Syrup

For a unique twist and added flavor, some individuals choose to use honey or syrup to seal their joint. Apply a thin layer of honey or syrup to the gum line, similar to the licking technique. This method may create a slower burn and impart a sweet taste to the joint.

### 4. Specialized Joint Sealers

Certain products in the market are designed explicitly for sealing joints. These specialized joint sealers usually come in the form of a gel or liquid with adhesive properties. They offer an alternative to traditional licking and may provide a stronger seal.

## Final Thoughts

Licking a joint is the tried-and-true method for sealing it, as it activates the gum line on the rolling paper and creates a tight bond. However, there are alternatives available for those who prefer not to use saliva or want to experiment with different techniques. Whether you choose to lick, use a damp cloth, or explore other methods, the aim is to ensure a tightly sealed joint that allows for a smooth smoking experience. Remember to take your time, practice, and find the technique that works best for you. Enjoy your joint responsibly and in accordance with local laws and regulations.